Are you thinking of taking your canine to a dog-friendly park? Taking care of a living being is not an easy task, especially for urban dog owners. This is because they have a hectic schedule and busy life. It means they don’t have much time to spend with their pup on regular basis. If you want your Fido to be healthy, exercising is essential for them.
Most dog owners think walking is more than enough for the dogs. Sometimes it can work for them; however, in some cases, they need more than just a walk. If your dog is energetic, you need to indulge them in activities like running and fetching. This is because they need to vent out their energy.
Since urban owners don’t have outdoor space, the pups always stay inside the apartment. This is not good for dogs as they can suffer from dog depression. Lack of outdoor space is the reason why you should take your dog to a dog park. During summers, a dog-friendly beach is an amazing alternative to a dog park.
Though it is a good way to keep your dog healthy, it is not completely safe for your best friend. You must take your pup to the urban dog park at your own risk.
I have listed some of the things you need to know before taking them to the park for dog walking. Read on to know how to keep your dog safe.
Difference Between Dog Parks and Dog-Friendly Parks
Many people think a dog park and dog-friendly park are the same thing. Though both the parks are for dogs, there is a slight difference between them. A dog-friendly park is a place for dogs where owners can bring them on a leash. There are fewer rules and regulations to follow like dogs must be on a leash all the time, owners must clean up after their friend and dispose of the waste properly, and all the pups must be licensed.
On the other hand, a dog park is an area where your fluff ball can play off the leash, but in a supervised environment. There are strict rules and regulations that every pet owner must follow. Some of the rules include:
- Dogs must not be left unattended
- The owner must always be present with the dog
- All the canines must be vaccinated
Since every city has their own bylaws, I will advise all the urban owners to read the rules and regulations mentioned at the gate of the park. It is crucial for the safety of your dog and other dogs.
Things You Should Know Before Visiting Dog Parks
Here are some dos and don’ts you have to keep in your mind.
Have Dog Treats
I will recommend you have dog treats with you when you go to the park. Although food is not allowed, you can use the treat to grab the attention of your furry friend. If you don’t have a tasty dog treat, click here to see our broad collection of dog treats.
Leash Is Necessary
For keeping your pup in control, you need to have a leash. Whether you are going to an urban dog park or to a dog-friendly park, the leash is crucial.
Cleaning is Important
Having a dog waste is not healthy for dogs as it becomes acidic over time. This is why I suggest everyone should bring at least two waste bags. Though some parks have waste bags, it is better to take the bag with you.
Keeping Your Dogs Safe
When it comes to the safety of your pup, it is a top priority of the dog owners. When taking your best friend to the city park for dogs, it is imperative to keep these things on your mind for protecting them.
- Have your own tick prevention items.
- There are some dangerous plants in the park, make sure your puppy doesn’t go near them.
Have a Water Bowl
In summers, it is necessary to take a water bowl with you. You don’t want your four-legged friend sharing bowl with dogs as it can cause an infection.
Bring Some Toys
Since the main purpose of taking your canine to the dog-friendly park is to play with them, you need to take some toys that your friend loves. In this way, you will keep your dog occupied with yourself and they will not fight other dogs. However, beware of other dogs; not all the dogs are like your pup, so you should not be upset of the toy disappears temporarily.
Other Things to Keep in Mind
- Vaccination is crucial. Your pet should be properly spayed and neutered. If your puppy is not vaccinated, you should not take them to the park as there is a huge risk of getting infected.
- If your dog is aggressive or unsocialized, I will recommend getting them trained first.
- Even if you are taking your fluffball to an off-leash park, you must have a leash with you.
Preventing Dog Infections
Let’s face it, it is a great place for our furry friends to play, but it is not completely safe for them. The urban dog parks are a source of canine parasites that can lead to various health conditions. So, it is advised to have mite and tick sprays with you. For keeping your dog healthy, it is suggested to visit a vet frequently. This is to ensure your dog doesn’t have any health problem. In case your dog has a health condition, you should not take them to the park for the safety of your dog and other dogs.
Indoor Dog Parks
In recent years, there is an increase in the number of indoor dog parks. This is good as your canine will have a place to play and exercise when the weather is harsh. Though there is a lot of space for dogs to play, I will recommend not to take your dog to indoor dog parks as your friend needs fresh air.
A Final Word
Therefore, taking your dog to a dog-friendly park is crucial for keeping them healthy, active, and happy. It is a wonderful opportunity for them to socialize with other fluffballs. Going to a dog-friendly beach is a good option if you know all the risks and how to prevent them.
Hi there! Such a wonderful post, thanks!